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An internship provides you with the opportunity to apply classroom knowledge to real world work situations in a professional environment. You need to be able to show an employer that you have experience in your area of study, even for entry level positions. This is why internships are so important. It is an opportunity for you to develop your skillset, build knowledge, and help you show employers that you are prepared for the workforce.

Searching for Internships

Where Can You Intern with Your Major?

Not sure where to you can intern with your major or where to search? Check out our list of companies and search by major to find options to help get you started.

Micro-Internships by Parker Dewey

Micro-internships are paid short-term projects posted by employers across a wide range of industries. Often, these projects require 20-40 hours of total work across 2-4 weeks and can be completed remotely. They are posted on a rolling basis and can be applied to year-round.

To begin exploring Micro-Internship opportunities, simply click here.

Work + Learn Indiana

Work and Learn Indiana is a free internship-matching program linking employers, students, high schools, colleges, and universities. It is a dynamic and searchable database coupled with personal assistance—including a toll-free hotline to answer questions and provide internship guidance and resource materials.

Start your search and create your account today.

Northeast Indiana Regional Partnership

Are you seeking a job or internship in Northeast Indiana? Use this website to search opportunities in the region and learn more about the companies and industries that are seeking someone like you.

Additional internship resources

Non-Academic Internships
Academic Internships

Academic Internship Registration

Planning to complete an internship for academic credit? Please fill out the Internship Registration Form and return to the Career Center for processing.

Definitions and Terminology – Reference this form for terminology used in the Academic Internship Registration form.

Internship Checklist – Use this checklist to help you complete the process.

Academic Learning Objectives

Learning objectives are a written plan for what you hope to learn during the internship experience. They form an agreement between you, your site supervisor, and your faculty mentor to help direct the learning process during the internship. Use this resource to help you develop your learning objectives.

Learning Objective Development

Memorandum of Understanding

An MOU or Memorandum of Understanding is required by some companies/organizations to be able to host students at their site. The MOU process must be completed prior to the student starting work at the company/organization.


Course numbers for academic internships:

College of Business

Dr. Angie Fincannon – Dean

MajorCourse Number
Entrepreneurial Studies B.S.BA4950
Human Resources B.S.BA4950
Management B.S.BA4950
Marketing B.S.BA4950
Sports Management B.SSM4950

Talwar College of Engineering and Computer Sciences

Dr. Stephanos Mavromoustakos, Acting Associate Dean

MajorCourse Number
Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering B.S.EGR4950
Mechanical Engineering B.S.EGR4950
Computer Science B.A.CS4950
Computer Science B.A.CS4950
Cyber Security B.S.CYS4950
Information Systems B.S.IS4950
Network Engineering B.S.IS4950
Software Engineering B.S. Gaming ConcentrationSE4950
Software Engineering B.S. SystemsSE4950
Software Enginnering B.S.SE4950
Web Development B.S.IS4950 or approved elective

College of Arts and Sciences

Dr. Anne Gull – Dean

MajorCourse Number
Child Development B.S.PSY4954/4953
Communication-Journalism and Broadcasting, B.A.COMM4750
Communication – Sports Media B.A.COMM4750
Criminal Justice B.S.CJ4950
Digital Graphics and Design B.A.IS4950
Exercise Science B.S.ES4950
Fitness and RecreationES4951
Pre-Law B.S.PLAW4950
Psychology B.S.PSY4950
Recreation Therapy B.S.RT4950
IIT 2000 Pre-Internship Seminar

IIT 2000 is designed for students preparing for an academic credit or non-academic credit internship experience. This is an asyncronystic course, offered fall and spring semesters, which allows students to take the course without schedule conflicts. The course offers 5 weeks of focused content on topics surrounding career and internship exploration, searching for internships, applications, resumes, cover letters, interview success and professionalism in the workplace. Students will be able to engage in conversations with employers and Indiana Tech alumni who discuss various aspects of career and professional development.

IIT 2000 is a pre-requisite for all students pursuing an internship for academic credit and is strongly encouraged for all students seeking non-academic credit internships.
